Friday 3 July 2009

She's leaving home...bye, bye.

This week marks the end of school life in our household. My youngest, my daughter, left this week and she will be going off to college in September. This will no longer be her place of residence, but it will always be her home.

She was so excited when she woke up yesterday. The thought of a leaving party where she and her four friends were the centre of attention, was so thrilling. Today, on waking late she asked what she would be doing at school on Monday!

I am so proud of all that she has achieved, particularly having hauled her away from a school she had been in for many years to a new environment 300 miles away. She has undoubtedly made her mark and there were tears in abundance from the staff as a montage of her "best bits", set to Robbie Williams "Angels" (her choice), was shown.

Just over nine weeks from now she will be embarking on the next stage of her life, away from home, away from us! She will have great fun and, once again, impact the lives of others as only Hayley can!

I will be sad, but only in a sentimental way. My nest will be empty, my chicks all flown. But hey! My job is done (well almost) and it's time for my youngest to have the time of her life. Grandchildren beckon and the next generation are making their contribution to the world. And I will be happy for them!