Saturday 16 August 2008

Think before you speak!

I am always astounded by the way commentators seem to completely lose all sense of intelligence when engaged in verbal banter during sports events. One can forgive them when describing an event whilst it is in progress. After all trying to make sense in the 10 seconds or less it takes for an athlete to run the 100 meters is nigh on impossible, and many events become quite fast and furious in their closing stages!

We are all aware of British commentators such as Murray Walker and John Motson making incredible faux pas' whilst trying to get a grip of what was happening on the track or field they were observing. But who in their right mind, having had time to think about what they are going to say in a programme that rounds up the days sport, doesn't check what they are saying makes sense or cannot be misconstrued?

Such was my surprise on hearing Gaby Logan commenting on a swimming event the other day. "He is the best Breast Stroker ever!" Me thinks that with a little thought this could have been worded a bit better.

Mind you I am sure that some of these presenters deliberately try to include comments that can be misinterpreted. I am reminded of Blue Peter presenter who, when describing a set of door knockers from Durham Cathedral finished by saying:"They are the best pair of knockers I've ever seen!" One for the adults watching I think.

So, on goes the sports fest that is the Olympics, joined today by the official start of the football season. Good job the weather has been dreadful! Staying in is the new sport in our house and very tiring it is too!

Sunday 10 August 2008

"Tis the season..."

Time flies and, as I get older, I am left breathless trying to catch up with it! So I found myself unusually unprepared for the beginning of the new season. No not Autumn or Festive, but the new football season!

Having lived most of my married life in a male dominated household I kind of got used to the devotion of my men to the beautiful game. In fact I prided myself on the fact that I could be relied upon to know just what was going on, where and who scored the winning goal. My now husband was astounded by my knowledge of the game when we first started dating and even now I take an active interest in what's going on. If you can't beat them, join them! My eldest son often brags about my ability to know when a certain game is being played, much to his friends astonishment, and will often phone me up to find out rather than leave it to chance.

Nevertheless it's not something I particularly enjoy and was staggered to find out that, in not quite the middle of August, the Community Shield is taking place today, marking what will be the beginning seemingly endless football fest! The commentator was bemoaning the fact that it had been thirteen long weeks since the last season ended and twelve since the FA cup was played. He forgot that we have also had to endure a months worth of European Cup games throughout June/July, albeit without any home nations playing! What with that and the Olympic games we shall be the fittest armchair sports watchers in the UK. Well, when I say "we" I mean "he" ! For I shall take a cursory interest, find out what's happening and go about a normal way of life glad not to be glued to the TV.