Tuesday 14 October 2008

Wedded Bliss!

What a wonderful weekend my family and I have just had.Together again for the first time in nine months, we gathered to witness my son's marriage to his beautiful wife.

It was a glorious day full of fun, laughter, solemnity and sincerity. How proud was I of my fantastic offspring! Three handsome sons and a beautiful daughter now joined by the most amazing daughter-in-laws that any family could wish for.

The whole day was so delightful. From the outstanding October sunshine to the picturesque setting of the reception hall. From the historic and beautiful church to the togetherness of all who gathered to witness this amazing event.

The organisation hasn't been without it's ups and downs, or stresses and strains but they have only served to strengthen the resolve of the couple committing their lives to one another.

Here's to a long, happy, fulfilling marriage that will bring hope and joy to all those who have the privilege to share their lives with Phil and Lizzie!

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