Friday 11 July 2008

Upside down!

My daughter is one of the most adorable people that I know. She is vivacious, loving, funny, full of life and hardworking. She can also be stubborn, awkward, vunerable and obssessively compulsive. It's amazing what a difference an extra chromosone can make! You see she has a condition known as Trisomy 21, commonly labelled "Down's Syndrome". When I was young it had rather ugly title, but thankfully times have moved on and in this politically correct society she is often referred to as having a learning disability!

What a conundrum! Down's- named after the guy who first collated the characteristics of these fabulous people and linked it to an extra chromosone on the 21st pair.

Oh how I wish his name had been "Up"! For in my mind there is nothing down about my daughter or her life.

Sure life isn't all peachy, but that can be the case with all one's offspring, as I have experienced lately (but that's another story). And other people don't always make it easy for her to have the freedom she so desperately wants.

We have, as a family, had eighteen and a half years of living with the most wonderful person, who has contributed so much to our lives. What we have experienced hasn't always been easy, but we have all benefitted from the richness she brings to our lives and have become better human beings as a result.

Don't get me wrong. I think all my children are fantastic, and they know it. It's just that she has taught us all so much just by "being".

I long for her to have the life she wants and to experience the joys of adult life to it's full. She deserves it and the world is a better place because of people like her!

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