Saturday 19 July 2008

A girls best friend?!

I work with chocolate! Yes it's true. There are jobs that involve making and creating chocolate delights. I'm not talking Cadbury's or Rowntree's massed produced stuff. These are genuine top quality truffles, chocolate bars and other delicious treats. It's a tough gig but someone has to do it!

Today I offered to work in the shop where we sell the chocolates as my boss (and friend) wanted to spend some quality time with her family. It's not what I really enjoy doing as I find it a bit boring, but today wasn't too bad. School breaks up this week and I had a lot of children buying end of year "Thank you" gifts for their hard working teachers. Lucky teachers! I used to teach and all I got at the end of term were cheap bottles of plonk ( and I mean cheap!), awful smellies that my Granny would have liked or cheap chocolates that were almost at their best before date!

Chocolate is, as I've come to realise, a girls best and worst friend. What can cheer you up as much as a bar of your favourite choc (accompanied by a glass of particularly nice wine) or a couple of champagne truffles? But then again we all know the effect that too much of that glorious treasure has on our figures!

There are days when I come back from work absolutely sick of the taste of chocolate. I long for something fresh and tangy, but it is a short lived dislike. Back at work the next day I'm ready for more!

Those Aztecs of long ago discovered a substance that brings pleasure to us all. Forget diamonds! Chocolate rules!

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