Monday 1 December 2008

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas"

I'm guessing that you could probably write a whole Blog about Christmas just using lines from popular seasonal songs! I don't really have the time to do that at the moment but I might try and slip a few in as I write.
So this is Christmas! Last Christmas (that's two already!) was a real family affair. The house was busy and there was no room at the Inn, so to speak. The only person missing was Lizzie, who had only just started dating Phil, and had already booked a trip back to the States to be with her family. Mind you her presence was almost tangible as Phil pined for the girl who had so quickly stolen his heart!
This year will be completely different and we have reached the time in life when, as parents, we have to gently unfurl our hands and let our offspring free to do their own thing. It will be strange and has caused me to reflect the many happy family Christmases we have enjoyed over the years.
The first Christmas Gordon and I were married was very exciting. I had just found out that I was expecting our first child and we were both over the moon. No one else knew and we revelled in our own special Christmas present to each other. Each Christmas since then our house has echoed to the sound of over excited children, various noisy presents kindly given by over enthusiastic Grandparents (one day it will be my turn. Be afraid, be very afraid!), later equally keen teenagers wanting mobiles, designer T shirts, Computer games etc., and now adults who enjoy just being together.
The times they are a changing! (Dylan, but not festive!). This year our brood will not be gathering at our nest. Instead they will be spending time with their other families and enjoying the type of Christmas that their spouses have come to cherish as part of their heritage.
Am I sad? Yes a little, but I am glad that they feel they are free to make choices that are for themselves. I would hate to be the type of Mother that won't let go.
In the near future they will start families of their own and will begin to develop their own Christmas traditions. The baton has been handed over to the next generation and that is only right and proper.
The upside is that we get to have a weekend in January with all of the family together. And what a time that will be!
"So here it is Merry Christmas every body's having fun!" It's more than just "Mistletoe and Wine" and "Deck the Halls". "Santa Clause is coming to town" and we shall all have great fun.
We shall miss them all but I'm guessing we might be back to a full house next year (and Gordon and I are already taking bets on who might have their own little secret Christmas present then!)

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