Tuesday 3 February 2009

Respect to the Milkman!

When I first got married we used to have a milkman who delivered all the milk we used. Supermarket milk hadn't yet hit the shelves properly and I thought that,with a young family, it would be easier than trying to find the odd pint at the local shops. It was okay but I often was out when he came for payment, so the bill got quite large.
Then one very snowy day, with two very small toddlers at home, he didn't bother to come. The excuse was that there was too much snow. Never mind that all the other milkmen had braved the icy wastes oF surburban Sidcup to serve their customers! That was it! Milkman sacked!
After that I managed to find enough milk from the larger supermarkets that were beginning to open nearby and that was that. Until we moved North.
Now living in a very rural location, and after a visit from the local Dairy I decided to try again. Not all of my milk but a token to support local trade-(it's very expensive to buy milk from the dairy!)
What a hero our Milkman is. Jim never fails to deliver, often in shorts and Tshirt (maybe a light jacket in Winter!). No matter what the weather the Pinta is on the doorstep long before I get out of bed. Always cheery and smiling, he is a milkman of the "old school" type. Happy to chat and talk footie with my hubbie he is a joy. And whilst the rest of the country grinds to a halt in this "Snow Fest", Jim, still in his shorts, gives service with a smile. Respect Jim!

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