Tuesday 17 June 2008

And the little one said...!

I share a bed with a snorer! Have done for twenty five years! You never get used to it. There are good nights when I manage to get to sleep before him but once it starts...boy is it annoying.

I love my man , of that there is no doubt, but I hate the snoring! Waking up in the morning feeling like a zombie and just wanting to curl up into the duvet and go back to sleep.

Once it starts there's no stopping, then suddenly...And I panic. Why has it gone quiet? Is he still breathing?! Yes he's just turned over and is quiet for a while. Then come the silly little noises, the little whispers and sighs that continue till the next snore.

And do you know what the most annoying thing is? When I have a cold and wake up the next morning to be told that I woke him up with my snoring! Where is the justice in that?!

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