Friday 13 June 2008

Virgin Blogger!

So what do I know!? Here I am sitting at my computer having been inspired by reading other people's Blogs and.......Well suddenly I don't know what to say! All those day dreamy times when I constructed witty repartee in my mind have suddenly dissipated into nothing. What do I know?

Everyone else makes it look easy, but I guess that comes with practise. One day I will excel and people will be logging in in their hundreds just to see my take on life and all that it throws at us.

Until then I will persevere, conjuring up words that fit together to entertain others. But maybe it will be my inability that will cause mirth to other Bloggers and readers.
Hey! I have just become a Blogger! What secrets and thoughts I will share! What response will I get?

Can't wait for the next time. Does it get less embarrassing?

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