Wednesday 18 June 2008

Like father, like son.....

None of us like being told that we are "becoming our parents"! It strikes horror in our hearts. I wince when I catch myself coining phrases that my mother used to use. But I guess that when you live with someone during those formative years somethings got to rub off!

I was amused the other day when I showed my Hubby my sons latest Blog detailing his proposal of marriage to his darling Lizzie. It was very romantic and having set the scene he waited for his beloved to arrive, and I quote:" With Bible in tow I set about reading Proverbs 31 and Prayed".

"What!", exclaimed said Hubby, "Bible in tow!"
"Don't you remember when you proposed to me darling? We were fasting and praying for a dear friend at the time" I reminded him.

Need I say more!

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