Saturday 14 June 2008

Grumpy old woman!

I think that I'm turning into a grumpy old woman! I guess that my offspring would argue that I have been for a very long time, but it has only just come to my attention.
Take this morning for instance. I had to go into Morrisons for a couple of things because we have some friends round for dinner tonight. Saturday! I always try to avoid Morrisons on a Saturday - and here's why.
On a Saturday, Morrisons allow various groups from the community to raise money by packing peoples' bags for them in return for a donation. This, in principal, I have nothing against but we live in a very affluent Market town and the fund raisers are usually trying to raise money for activities that are not essential to the fabric of daily life. It's usually for new rugby shirts or a nicer scout hut. Now if it were to help youngsters less fortunate than our often over indulged locals I would be more sympathetic. If it were for a charity that helped a local hospice or teenage cancer trust I would be right there with them. But no. Busy Saturday mornings with long queues and your shopping being packed haphazardly into your bags, all the time feeling obliged to contribute to a fund to help youngsters enjoy a trip of a lifetime in South America or the like!
See I am a grumpy old woman. I've finished the journey and arrived!!

1 comment:

pretty said...

yes i know the feeling, squashed grapes under the potatoes and still obliged to jingle the bucket, the cadets this week. hope your meal went ok