Saturday 5 July 2008

For better or worse....!

I have come to realise that these "Blog" thingies come in waves. After a couple of weeks of distraction and lack of inspiration I suddenly find myself wanting to put finger to keyboard and blog again! Sorry everyone but here I go.

My inspiration comes from a recent blog written by my future daughter-in-law after the sudden realisation of what it means to be in love with an accident prone Brown! Welcome to the roller coaster ride of loving commitment!

Singleness, whilst having its drawbacks, can be quite indulgent and sometimes selfish. No one to answer to and a certain freedom that cannot be exercised when one has to take into account others needs.

Relationships that are bound together by the overpowering bond of love, on the other hand, have a freedom of their own whilst giving a responsibility to address each others needs.

Experience has taught me that life is not fair and has never promised to be. So much of what we experience is out of our control. Sickness, unemployment, inability to conceive a baby, handicap, bereavement... the list goes on. For many the pressure is just too much and they have to walk away. But for others it brings a strength and depth that is just amazing.

Commitment is not a slavish bond that takes away one's freedom. It is a liberating relationship that means I don't have to "do it on my own"!

I'm glad I promised: "in sickness and health" and "for better or worse". Relationships that promise such devotion are not for the faint hearted, but boy are they worth it!

So there you go Lizzie! Welcome to the family. I just hope that you are as happy together as we are.

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

Thanks Carol, it's so fun being someone's inspiration! I hope we're as happy as you are, too.

So far so good!