Sunday 15 June 2008


I've just had a comment posted on my last blog. I'm really excited. Do people really read this stuff?! I'm on a roll at the moment and just can't wait to blog again. I guess this is the honeymoon period. If I'm not careful people will think that I don't have a life, but I do.

I am an almost redundant mother! Well I guess I will never be really redundant but three of my four children have flown the nest and my youngest is ready to stretch those wings and fly!
In many ways I can't believe where the time has gone but gone it has, and I will have spent twenty five years caring for, and guiding my four little fledglings.

Some days I am sad that I don't see that much of them as I would like, but I am content in the fact that they have turned out okay. They all have good jobs, one is married to the sweetest girl and another is marrying later this year (to another lovely girl). I have done my job. I will always be there for them no matter what. I have, along with my husband, produced three lovely young men and a daughter that brings great joy to many (more about her in future posts!) Job done! Now it's up to them to make their impression on the world and to the next generation.


Phil Brown said...

Good job mum- Liz really IS a lovely girl! You, if I do say so myself, have turned out at least one child to be proud of! Thanks for your help on Sunday- the roast turned out great. If you go to my blog and look at "Chef Gaytan's Blog" there are pictures of it!

Lizzie said...

yay! welcome to the blog world! it's a fun place to be and trust me, in the 3 years i've been blogging getting a comment is still just as exciting.

i've linked to you on my blog as well, hope you don't mind!